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Oryginalnie wydany w 2004 roku album "When Dream And Day Unite Demos (1987-1989)" zawiera instrumentalne wersje, jak również wczesne dema utworów, które nagrane zostały na potrzeby wydania ich debiutanckiego albumu. Dodatkowo na nowej edycji znalazło się 6 utworów, które Dream Theater nagrali dla swoich przyjaciół w ramach świątecznego prezentu. Wydanie 3 LP + 2 CD.
LP 1
Side A
1. Afterlife (Instrumental Demo)
2. The Killing Hand (Instrumental Demo)
3. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (Instrumental Demo)
4. Ytse Jam (Instrumental Demo)
Side B
1. Cry for Freedom (Instrumental Demo)
2. Resurrection of Ernie (Instrumental Demo)
3. Drum Solo (Instrumental Demo)
4. A Fortune in Lies (Instrumental Demo)
LP 2
Side C
1. Only a Matter of Time (Instrumental Demo)
2. A Fortune in Lies (Early Charlie Demo)
3. Afterlife (Early Charlie Demo)
4. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (Early Charlie Demo)
Side D
1. A Fortune in Lies (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
2. Afterlife (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
3. Ytse Jam (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
4. Only a Matter of Time (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
LP 3
Side E
1. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
2. The Killing Hand (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
3. Light Fuse and Get Away (Instrumental, WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
Side F
1. To Live Forever (Xmas Demo)
2. Mission Impossible (Xmas Demo)
3. Golden Slumbers/Carry that Weight/The End (Xmas Demo)
4. O Holy Night (Xmas Demo)
5. A Vision '89 (Xmas Demo)
6. Untitled (Xmas Demo)
CD 1
1. Afterlife (Instrumental Demo)
2. The Killing Hand (Instrumental Demo)
3. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (Instrumental Demo)
4. Ytse Jam (Instrumental Demo)
5. Cry for Freedom (Instrumental Demo)
6. Resurrection of Ernie (Instrumental Demo)
7. Drum Solo (Instrumental Demo)
8. A Fortune in Lies (Instrumental Demo)
9. Only a Matter of Time (Instrumental Demo)
10. A Fortune in Lies (Early Charlie Demo)
11. Afterlife (Early Charlie Demo)
12. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (Early Charlie Demo)
CD 2
1. A Fortune in Lies (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
2. Afterlife (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
3. Ytse Jam (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
4. Only a Matter of Time (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
5. The Ones Who Help to Set the Sun (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
6. The Killing Hand (WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
7. Light Fuse and Get Away (Instrumental, WDADU Pre-Production Demo)
8. To Live Forever (Xmas Demo)
9. Mission Impossible (Xmas Demo)
10. Golden Slumbers/Carry that Weight/The End (Xmas Demo)
11. O Holy Night (Xmas Demo)
12. A Vision '89 (Xmas Demo)
13. Untitled (Xmas Demo)