Najniższa cena produktu 105,90 zł z dnia 14.03.2025
Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni
Dream Theater prezentują oryginalne dema z lat 1985-1986, które zostały zremiksowane i zremasterowane. Album to swego rodzaju kultowa historia Dream Theater z czasów, kiedy byli studentami Berklee College of Music w Bostonie.
Limitowane wydanie na dwóch winylach 180g w kolorze żółtym.
Tracklista LP:
LP 1
Strona A
1. Particle E. Motion (Instrumental)
2. Another Won (Instrumental)
3. The Saurus
4. Cry for Freedom
5. The School Song
Strona B
1. YYZ 4:03
2. The Farandole
3. Two Far (Instrumental)
4. Anti-Procrastination Song (Stormtroopers of Death)
5. Your Majesty (Instrumental)
6. Solar System Race Song
7. I'm About to Faint Song
8. Mosquitos In Harmony Song
9. John Thinks He's Randy Song
10. Mike Thinks He's Dee Dee Ramone Introducing a Song Song
11. John Thinks He's Yngwie Song
12. Gnos Sdrawkcab
LP 2
Strona A
1. Another Won
2. Your Majesty
3. A Vision
Strona B
1. Two Far
2. Vital Star
3. March of the Tyrant
Tracklista CD:
1. Particle E. Motion (Instrumental)
2. Another Won (Instrumental)
3. The Saurus
4. Cry for Freedom
5. The School Song
6. YYZ 4:03
7. The Farandole
8. Two Far (Instrumental)
9. Anti-Procrastination Song (Stormtroopers of Death)
10. Your Majesty (Instrumental)
11. Solar System Race Song
12. I'm About to Faint Song
13. Mosquitos In Harmony Song
14. John Thinks He's Randy Song
15. Mike Thinks He's Dee Dee Ramone Introducing a Song Song
16. John Thinks He's Yngwie Song
17. Gnos Sdrawkcab
18. Another Won
19. Your Majesty
20. A Vision
21. Two Far
22. Vital Star
23. March of the Tyrant