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Oryginalnie wydany w 2005 roku album "Images And Words Demos (1989-1991)" dokumentuje specjalny okres zespołu, kiedy przygotowywali się do wydania płyty "Images And Words". Kolekcja zawiera instrumentalne wersje klasyków Dream Theater, takich jak "Take The Time" oraz "Learning To Live". Dodatkowo na albumie znalazły się wersje demo tych piosenek. Wydanie 3 LP 180g + 2 CD zawiera utwory, które zostały wcześniej zremasterowane.
LP 1
Side A
1. Metropolis (Instrumental 1989-1991)
2. Take the Time (Instrumental 1989-1991)
Side B
1. Learning to Live (Instrumental 1989-1991)
2. Under a Glass Moon (Instrumental 1989-1991)
LP 2
Side C
1. Metropolis (ATCO Demo 1991)
2. To Live Forever (ATCO Demo 1991)
3. Take the Time (ATCO Demo 1991)
Side D
1. Pull Me Under (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
2. Another Day (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
3. Surrounded (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
4. Under a Glass Moon (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
LP 3
Side E
1. Wait for Sleep (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
2. Learning to Live (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
3. Oliver's Twist (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
Side F
1. Don't Look Past Me (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
2. To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
3. To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
4. A Change of Seasons (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
CD 1
1. Metropolis (Instrumental)
2. Take The Time (Instrumental)
3. Learning To Live (Instrumental)
4. Under A Glass Moon (Instrumental)
5. Don't Look Past Me (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
6. To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
7. To Live Forever (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
8. A Change Of Seasons (Vocalist Audition Demo 1990)
CD 2
1. Metropolis (ATCO Demo 1991)
2. To Live Forever (ATCO Demo 1991)
3. Take The Time (ATCO Demo 1991)
4. Pull Me Under (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
5. Another Day (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
6. Surrounded (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
7. Under A Glass Moon (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
8. Wait For Sleep (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
9. Learning To Live (Pre-Production Demo 1991)
10. Oliver's Twist (Pre-Production Demo 1991)